helpful articles


A Journey of Resilience:

The History of the Disabled in America

The history of the disabled in America is a testament to the resilience and determination of individuals who have faced numerous challenges, societal attitudes, and legal barriers throughout the centuries.  From colonial times to the present day, the disabled community has fought for recognition, equal rights, and opportunities to lead fulfilling lives. READ MORE


A Guide to Finding a Good Doctor

finding a good doctor Is Worth It!

Finding a good doctor is an essential step in taking care of your health. Whether you’re new in town, seeking a specialist’s expertise, or simply unhappy with your current healthcare provider, the process of finding a reliable and skilled doctor can be daunting. However, by following a few key steps and considering crucial factors, you can increase your chances of finding a doctor who meets your needs and ensures high-quality care. This article aims to provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to find a good doctor. READ MORE


elderly abuse in america

unveiling the reality

As a society, we have a moral obligation to protect and care for our most vulnerable members, including the elderly. However, a dark reality persists within the borders of the United States: the alarming prevalence of elderly abuse. Defined as any form of mistreatment inflicted upon older adults, elderly abuse encompasses physical, emotional, sexual, or financial harm. READ MORE…



the power to change

In a world that often seems fast-paced and self-centered, volunteerism offers the power to change. By dedicating your time, skills, and energy to help others, you not only make a positive impact on individuals and communities but also experience tremendous personal growth and fulfillment. If you’re eager to become a volunteer but aren’t sure where to start READ MORE


elderly financial exploitation

The Alarming Exploitation of Elderly Americans: A Financial Crisis

Elderly financial exploitation is a growing concern in the United States.  It poses a significant threat to the financial security and well-being of older adults. Every year, vulnerable seniors fall victim to various scams, frauds, and deceptive practices, resulting in substantial financial losses. This article aims to shed light on the extent of the problem.  Additionally it aims to highlight the urgent need for awareness, prevention, and intervention.  READ MORE…


tech help for disabled

Amazing high-tech gadgets that help people with disabilities

Technology has come a long way and continues to amaze us with its ability to improve the lives of people with disabilities. In this article, we will explore some remarkable high-tech gadgets that offer assistance and empower individuals to overcome challenges..  READ MORE…


MPN Cancer and Physical activity

survey finds higher quality of life with sporting activity

Physical activity (PA) has been recognized as an effective non-pharmacological approach to alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life in cancer patients. However, little is known about how MPN patients engage in PA and the factors that influence their activity levels. In this article, we will explore the results of a multicenter survey that investigated the influences of anxieties, age, and motivation on PA in patients with MPN.  READ MORE…